About The Event

We will be having a Men’s Retreat in October! It will be from Saturday October 5th to Sunday the 6th and it will be at Camp Iroquois Springs! Please make plans to arrive at Iroquois Springs on Saturday October 5th, at the latest by 12:00PM. Lunch will be served at 12:30PM so if you arrive later, they will not be able to accommodate for it.

Camp Iroquois Springs is a top notch facility in Rock Hill, NY. Your Registration will include lodging as well as 4 meals! The Meals served will be Saturday Lunch and Dinner as well as Sunday Breakfast and Lunch!! Every meal is served buffet style as well. Please also bring your own linens or sleeping bags as well as your own pillow(s) as Iroquois Springs will provide you with a bed and a mattress but not linens!

Please mark your calendars, make plans to car pool, and get excited for a time of rest for your soul and spirit and a time to grow closer as men in The Bronx!

Regular registration is for cabin style housing that includes multiple double beds per cabin. The single registration is for rooms with a single bed.

Please only sign up for the single room if there is a specific NEED as to why you might need a single room. They are limited in quantity so we want to make sure the people that need them are able to get them!

Location Information

  • Camp Iroquois Springs
  • 66 Bowers Road, Rock Hill, NY, 12775 US


Personal Information


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software